1. Cineport
CinePort is a WAP portal about movies. In this portal, there is a solution for people who want to access information about movies from their mobile phones. This WAP portal is device independent and supports many types of the mobile phones. When a user wants to know what’s playing now or what’s g...
June 2009
2. Live Languages
Live Languages has written with groovy-grails which is based on java. Project’s tool is IntelliJ IDEA. The purpose of the Live Languages; The site gives online language training with teachers and st...
August 2008
3. Shop Screen
Shop screen is similar with Mikroshop program. It’s an automation program which companies are selling products to their customers with discount or without discount. Program consists of three screens...
October 2009
4. wap.akbank.com.tr
I have prepared the contents of Akbank static wap pages. I used XHTML when I was preparing the static pages.
September 2008
5. Akaltın Insurance Web Site
Akaltın Insurance and Brokerage Services is one of the agencies of Axa Insurance. Akaltın insurance is active in; home, car, health, life, business, future and travel insurance issues. On this website, customers have their own accounts and these accounts may be available on through various tasks. ...
January 2009
6. My Cookbook Web Site
My cookbook is a web site that contains recipes and supplies the cook books which is made by site users. Registered users can add their favorite recipes in their cart and take them in a book whenever they want.
November 2009
7. Holiday Page
You may see the resort at holiday page and you can make a reservation for your favorite places. HTML and (very little) PHP is used in this study.
8. Tic-Tac-Toe Game
Tic tac toe game is played between computer and human on 3x3 board. The user tries to make XXX and computer tries to make OOO. They both play their move; from left to right, top to bottom or diagonally. PHP is used in this study.
9. Online Chat System
Online chat system has chat rooms and chat users who creates the rooms. Data is kept at files. When the users first logi...
March 2008
10. Singer and Album List
It is is a java console program which manages the Oracle database. Album, singer and song can be added with menus; the necessary arrangements can be made.
December 2006
11. Student Information System
Student Information System’s (which is written with PHP) data is kept at files. New information that we enter, writes it to the files and reads it from there and shows it to the user's screen.
12. Hepsiburada.com Sales Page
Hepsiburada.com sales page sells desktop computers. Program which is written in PHP, records the hepsiburada web site information to the database. Then it prints this information to the screen through MySQL queries.
13. E-Message System with PHP
At the E-Messaging system, registered users are messaging private among themselves. PHP and MySQL database is used at the program.
14. SOS Game
SOS is a game played with 2 players. The user determines the size of the board. The person who made up SOS (from left to right, top to bottom, or diagonally) wins the game. PHP session is used in the program.
15. Ajax Search Engine
You may search the users (who have database record) quickly with ajax search engine and also you may print their information to the screen. PHP and Javascript are used in the program.
16. Pre-School Education with Java
This program is written for using in pre-school education. The purpose of the project is; teaching shapes, numbers and some concepts to the children who does not know reading or writing. Main idea is;...
January 2006
17. Calculator
It’s a simple calculator written in Java applet. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations are done successfully.
August 2007
18. Drawing 3-Dimensional Objects with C++
In the first application; cubes are making rotation around themselves. You may change the color of ...
January 2006
19. Employee Recruitment and Selection (MBA Project)
This study deals with the employee recruitment and selection process. For effective recruitment and...
May 2014